Week Twelve: Comics by Women

Week Twelve: Comics by Women 

For this week I read the article by BuzzFeed titled '16 Comics By Women Only Other Women Will Find Fucking Hilarious'. It was comprised of some comics and short stories by women. Now, these comics and stories weren't created for artistic merit or quality – they were just created for the content. But, I was able to relate to these because I am a women, and they all deal with scenarios that I think all women deal with such as periods. So, these are all relatable to women, I wouldn't see a man being relatable to this other than the cranberry strip where the girl thinks the other girl is drinking a cranberry vodka or something – it could be a gay friend. They're cool because they're very personal and about internal thoughts of a women that we don't like to talk about necessarily. Like self conflicting themes. It's a lot like the other comic that I read, also written and created by a woman author Marjane Satrapi. It's about a lot of very serious themes that she had to endeavor throughout her life, but there were a lot of times where they were similar to these BuzzFeed comics when talking to herself or talking about a boy.


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