Week Thirteen: Changing Landscape of Licensed Characters

Week Thirteen: Changing Landscape of Licensed Characters

I decided to read the first Marvel comic, it was about 'the Human Torch', the Angel', 'Submariner', and the 'Masked Raider' – I could only think by first glance that this could be about Fantastic Four. Also, it was really strange, the first page of the comic was like a silly black and white random comic called 'Now I'll Tell One', that I wouldn't have expected to be in this comic like I would in Archie's comics for example. When reading the comics I realized that this was comprised of 4 different heros and they weren't in the same story. I know that the human torch told me that this was probably going to be a Fantastic Four comic, but the other 3 characters I have no idea who they are. The Angel actually looks like Superman in a cheap way. The Submariner is like a blue Avatar mixed with Aquaman, and the Masker Raider is a cowboy with a mask on his face. Those characters would not make it to become as well known as the new Marvel comic characters like the ones in the Avengers especially. In this comic you can tell that there aren't even proper drawing skills in it and it's such an early version that the creativity was not as stunning as it became in their later comics – especially with the names. 


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