Week eight: Stereotype and the Ethics – Notes

Stereotypes and Ethics – Notes Stereotypes and Cliche´: Both terms from printing that refer to techniques that facilitate the speed and lower the cost of production through the use of pre-set images or phrases. Will Eisner "In comics, stereotypes are drawn from commonly accepted physical characteristics associated with an occupation." "Certain human characteristics are recognizable by physical appearance in each of the above, the reader evokes a message out of the stereotypical image in this where he shows Hitler youth as well as a bad guy having a back problem." Jim Crow Christy Minstrels Stereotypes: Are not a metonymies (figures of speech, ex: i have a new set of wheels (i have a new car)) like most caricatures but are representation of idealized and character types that are not based on observation, but on previous representations. Jim Crow in Dumbo 1941 Robert Crumb Matin Luther King by Ho Che Anderson None ...